Thursday, October 17, 2013

King Lear Characters

The most obvious observation in similar personalities is Regan and Goneril. The two sisters are are extremely power hungry. Cordelia seems to truly be the most loyal to her father, king lear, but he is unable to appreciate this. Cordelia and the french prince must have similar motivations because the prince was able to overlook the fact that she didnt have any land. I really admired him for this because the characters in this book seem to all be very power hungry. King lear seems very similar to his two daughters, Regan and Goneril, in terms of their motivations. They seem to be the most motivated by power. I noticed this because just as easily as King Lear was able to give the power over to Regan and Goneril,Goneril was able to quickly turn on her father. Cordelia is very true to herself. She values love over money. When the duke decides he no longer wishes to court her now that she doesnt have any money, Cordelia is perfectly okay with this. She says she wouldn't want to be with him if all he wanted was money anyways. I found this to be an admirable quality in her. I think that if king lear needed, he would be able to go to Cordelia. Kent too seems like a loyal character. I felt bad that Cordelia was banished along with the other advisor. The king seems to make very rash decisions and seems to be very concerned with the ways others view him.

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