Monday, December 2, 2013

Evolution of Julia

I did not see much change in Julia throughout these chapters. Although her and Winston are now able to express their sexual desires more freely, it still just is a sexual desire for her. However, she did surprise me with a few of her comments. When Winston begins talking politics with her, she says that she doesn't think the war even exists.This impressed me because I did not think Julia though beyond the realms of sex or rebelling sexually. Later in the conversation Winston explains exactly how a rebellion could play out, and she says she is only interested in her and Winston. I feel that if Julia and Winston's personalities could combine, they would be the perfect leader. One always has what the other is lacking. For example, Winston has the passion and desire for a rebellion while he lacks the leadership and higher thinking. Although Winston is very intelligent, he is more easily swayed by the parties propaganda. I was also surprised when Julia spoke about the 2 minutes hate, she said it was hard for her to contain her laughter. Previously, I did not think her hate for the government went past her inability to have sex, but these chapters proved that inaccurate. While Julia has thoughts beyond sex, she only wishes to take action on her sexual desires; like Winston says, she is "only a rebel from the waist down." With the food and the makeup I also saw more potential in Julia than I previously had. Not only does she hate the government, but she is able to notice the specific things the outer party is missing out on, something Winston is not able to do. Her bold and brave personality gives her the courage to question the lives they all live. After reading these chapters, I know that Winston and Julia together can do great things, but only if they are able to see where the other is coming from.

1 comment:

  1. Shannon, I really love this analysis on Winston and Julia's characters. I think that you are correct in saying that the two of them together would make the perfect leader. Winston sees the corruption in the government and wants to rebel. But he lacks the courage to take action. On the other hand, Julia loves rebelling through her sexual acts. But I don't think that she cares enough about politics that she would ever rebel openly. She is just kind of rebelling to rebel, not for a specific motive that has to do with the government's corruption. But combined, Winston and Julia would make the perfect leader for a huge revolution.
